Sons of the American Revolution Empire State Society - Chautauqua Chapter
                                                                                                   Sons of the American Revolution                                   Empire State Society - Chautauqua Chapter 

Who We Are

The Sons of the American Revolution (the “SAR”) is a patriotic, historical and educational lineage society. The National Society was founded on April 30, 1889 and chartered by an Act of Congress on June 6, 1906. Societies exist in all fifty states and very likely a chapter can be found near you. We are nonpolitical and nonsectarian. We are a society of gentlemen who enjoy the fellowship of a common interest and who want to preserve the memory of our Patriot Ancestors and keep the freedoms that they won for us with their service and sacrifices.


What We Do

Our activities may include grave markings of patriot ancestors, displaying our flag, remembering American holidays such Washington’s Birthday, July 4th, Flag Day, Constitution Day and Patriots Day, laying wreathe, sponsoring youth contests and programs that relate to the Revolutionary War history, recognizing members of the community, government and our unformed services for exceptional or patriotic service and encouraging the preservation of Revolutionary War history. 

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